Recruitment, Tammiste, Värbamine

Ilona Viilu

Ilona is a partner and advisor to managers and HR managers of various companies in the recruitment process to help them find top managers and specialists. She is involved in the recruitment process from the beginning to the end, from the creation of a suitable profile to the onboarding of the candidate.

“I believe that my previous experience in sales has given me the opportunity to get to know different types of people and companies and to bring this experience to my recruitment projects today. The choice is always two-way, and I consider it very important that the new colleague’s values match those of the company and that the working relationship develops into a long-term and pleasant one for all parties.”

Before being a recruiter, Ilona worked for a long time in the financial sector in various insurance companies and helped support and develop sales and kept her finger on the pulse of partner relations with other companies.

Ilona has studied organizational psychology at the master’s level, which supports her current work as a recruitment partner.

Ilona joined Tammiste Personalibüroo at the beginning of 2018 as a Recruitment Partner. During her working time, Ilona has improved her knowledge of psychology as well as IT and technical knowledge. This is in order to have the competence to recruit specialists from various sectors.

Over the years, Ilona has managed more and more complex recruitment projects, focusing on strategic information security positions as well as key employees in industrial companies. 

Ilona has successfully managed the following recruitment projects:

  • Tornator Eesti OÜ – IT-Project Manager
  • Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseum – Board Member
  • Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum – Board Member
  • Parem Käsi OÜ – Sales Specialist
  • Rivest OÜ – Sales Manager
  • Knauf Tallinn UÜ – Product Manager
  • Scania Eesti AS – Baltic and Estonian HR Manager; Estonian Marketing Project Manager
  • Estonian Transport Administration – IT Manager
  • PostPlus – Junior Administrator; Key Account Manager; Product Development Manger; Financial Analyst
  • CYBERS – Information Security Manager; Cyber Security Consultant; Information Security Compliance Specialist; Key Account Manager
  • Chemi-Pharm AS – Laboratory Manager; IT Manager; Export Manager
  • Ernst & Young Baltic AS – Leading Consultant in the Accounting Department; Manager-Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS); IT Auditor; Business Consulting Team Leader, Marketing Manager
  • Standwood OÜ – Sales Manager; Marketing Manager; Sales Export Manager
  • Svensky Kaubanduse AS – Chief Accountant-Financial Manager
  • PostPlus – Junior Administrator; Key Account Manager
  • Marmiton AS – Production Manager; CEO
  • Ministry of the Environment – Information Security Manager
  • A Le Coq AS – Head of Bottling
  • Ministry of Culture – Information Security Manager
  • AS Kesko Senukai Eesti – Store Manager
  • Veho Baltics OÜ – Data Engineer
  • Vičiūnai Group – Technologist
  • Balti Kella OÜ – Sales Representative, Customer Manager
  • European Experience Center – Visitor Manager
  • Nordea Bank Abp Estonian branch – Global Capacity Planner
  • Marketex Offshore Constructions OÜ – Sales Manager
  • Harviker OÜ – Head of the Production Unit
  • Põhja Esti Regionalaalhaigla SA – Chief Auditor
  • Vabamu – Managing Director and Head of Strategy
  • Law firm RASK – Secretary
  • eu-LISA – Administrative Support to the Office of the Executive Director, Security Administrative Support, Administrative Assistant in HRU, Administrative assistant, Security Administrative Support, Junior Administrative Assistant, Senior Physical Security Specialist, Administrative Support (MB Secretariat Assistant), Administrative assistant
  • Azets Insight OÜ – HR Specialist
  • Future Design OÜ – Sales Manager for the Finnish Market
  • Vanalinna Ehitus OÜ – Project Manager of the General Contract
  • Tech Power Electronics Group – IT Director
  • Ecofleet – Regional Marketing Manager
  • KL Partners – Auditor’s Assistant


Colleagues about Ilona:
Ilona is a solid cooperation partner for both clients and candidates. She is one of our pillars – always ready to delve into new areas and take on complex recruitment projects.

She is a result-oriented and wants to finish what she has started quickly and well. Her clients come back to her – Ilona has accumulated many loyal clients over time.

As a colleague, Ilona is warm, cheerful and supportive. She is ready to contribute both to the induction of new colleagues and to the development of the company.

Ilona has completed the following trainings and obtained licenses:

Ilona Viilu


Jagame oma uudiskirjas personalitöö-, juhtimis- ja suhtlemisalaseid kogemusi ja mõtteid. Igas uudiskirjas anname infot ka tööpakkumiste ja koolituste kohta.

* kohustuslik

Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.


Jagame oma uudiskirjas personalitöö-, juhtimis- ja suhtlemisalaseid kogemusi ja mõtteid. Igas uudiskirjas anname infot ka tööpakkumiste ja koolituste kohta.

Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.