
Heidi Hansar

Heidi is a strategic partner for your company management, supporting critical business activities through recruitment and shaping organizational culture. Thanks to her consulting competence in the field of psychology, she understands people at a deeper level. She is able to support personnel selection as a whole, while keeping in mind the business goals of companies as well as the nature and needs of people.

Heidi has almost 20 years of experience as a team and process manager in NGOs as well as in the private and public sectors. As a Recruitment Partner, it helps to understand the particularities and needs of organizations well. As an educator, she has combined her professional knowledge with work, which has led her to become a guest lecturer at the University of Tartu, a competence trainer for communication skills and a development partner for teams to find that “we” that has helped them reach their goals together.  

She has acquired a master’s degree in social pedagogy at the University of Tartu and furthered her education in the Estonian Business School’s HR Manager Development Program, which focused on strategic HR management. Manchester Metropolitan University and Tallinn University have given Heidi additional skills in mental health counseling.

“For me, it is important to support managers in creating working relationships and a working environment where every person in the company feels valued. In this way, people feel motivated and happy, ready to contribute to fulfilling the company’s goals and results. In my daily life, I follow Maya Angelou’s idea that people forget what you say or do, but they never forget how you made them feel.”

Heidi values her continuous development and has improved herself with studies on the ADKAR change management model, practical group management and sociometry, the conflict mediation method and motivational interviewing techniques. It has built a strong base to be a Recruitment Partner in HR matters.

Heidi joined the Tammiste Personalibüroo in 2023 to contribute to promoting happiness at work, thereby helping companies create and develop functional and successful working relationships.  

Heidi has successfully managed the following recruitment projects:

  • Kaanon Kinnisvara – Team Lead
  • Palmako AS – Purchasing Manager
  • Lävel Uksetehas OÜ – Managing Director
  • Veho Oy Ab –  HR Solutions Partner
  • ESSVE Estonia AS – Sales- and Managing Director
  • AS Värska Sanatoorium – Member of the Board
  • Auto Bassadone OÜ –Sales Team Leader for Asian brands
  • Usesoft AS – Training Coordinaator
  • ASB Greenworld Eesti OÜ – Mechanic-Technical Maintenance Manager; Sales Assistant-Logistic; Production Unit Manager (COO)
  • Auto-Bon Baltic OÜ –Baltic Sales Manager; Brand Manager (2)
  • Clear Channel Estonia OÜ – Head of the Sales Department
  • Balti Intermed OÜ – Assistant-Accountant; Maintenance Technician; Medical Device Administration Manager; Medical Device Sales Manager
  • Leden Estonia AS – Engineer
  • Tornator Eesti OÜ – Forestry Specialist


Colleagues about Heidi:
When we met Heidi at a job interview, we immediately recognized her – that’s our person! We had everything she talked about in her dream job – a supportive team that works well together, a commitment to helping clients achieve their business goals, and a desire to create a great candidate experience for candidates. Previous recruitment experience has been successful thanks to Heidi’s collaboration with direct managers.

Heidi creates a very open and positive atmosphere in the team with her pleasant and mild manner. She dares to ask, knows how to look with fresh eyes, and has already become a nice colleague who creates value for the company in a short time.  

Heidi has completed the following trainings and obtained licenses:

Heidi Hansar


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Jagame oma uudiskirjas personalitöö-, juhtimis- ja suhtlemisalaseid kogemusi ja mõtteid. Igas uudiskirjas anname infot ka tööpakkumiste ja koolituste kohta.

Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.