
Search For Top Executives

Tammiste Personalibüroo - tippjuhtide otsing

Today, a successful executive manager is one who can make their team work towards a common goal and do this in a joint effort which unites people, offers the joy of achievement and enables self-realization. A good top manager has the x-factor – when they enter the room, they are noticed and listened to. This cannot be ascertained merely by the CV but must be recognized by the recruitment partner during the meetings.

The executive manager is self-motivating, ready to find innovative solutions in difficult situations, and resilient. They work in an environment of uncertainty and constant external changes, which places very high demands on stress tolerance.

The salaries of top executives ensure a high standard of living for them. Sure, performance pay, options, and the overall incentive package are important, but generally, candidates do not apply only because of competitive salary. The bigger and more complex the challenges, the more they enjoy their work. The more the owner of the company or the board interferes in their daily activities, the sooner they want to leave. They expect clear goals and agreements on the rights and/or authority from the owner or the board, and also the opportunity to discuss strategic options.

If you hire a top executive, you have to give them credibility and a chance to prove themselves.


Recruiting top executives is very different from recruiting managers and professionals. A comprehensive and deeply analyzed process leads to finding the right person. 



  • We start the recruitment process with a meeting with the board or owner of the company to map and analyze the company’s strategic goals and understand whether the future person must be the initiator of innovation in the company, the implementer of important changes or the maintainer of balance.
  • The task of the recruitment partner is to understand what competencies and experience the top executive should have and what sort of management is expected of them. Meetings and discussions are held to word these points thoroughly. The recruitment process begins when the owner(s) or the board have agreed on the requirements for a suitable executive.
  • We determine the measurable goals of the new manager’s work (profit/turnover increase, market share increase, etc.), resources and real decision-making freedom.
  • We discuss whether the future manager will receive motivating bonuses that may affect  recruitment.


  • First, we determine the type of competition, i.e. whether we conduct a confidential or public competition.
  • Top managers expect a high level of confidentiality when applying due to Estonia’s small size – in this regard, the recruitment company is often trusted more than the company that conducts the competition itself. The recruitment of executives for companies that the media is interested in is especially difficult. Maintaining candidates’ privacy has the utmost importance in this process.
  • Tammiste Personalibüroo’s network of relationships is very wide, and after mapping potential candidates, we make targeted offers to potentially suitable candidates. We contact them to map their openness to consider a new job offer. If there is interest, we will arrange an interview.
  • If it is not a confidential search, in addition to headhunting, we use a public competition, where the choice of the right channels and the precise wording of the job offer are very important.
  • In the stage of finding candidates, in addition to the recruitment partner, two assistants are involved to provide an efficient search service.


  • Evaluation is a multi-stage process that always depends on the specifics of the company and the demands placed on the manager.
  • In addition to conducting 2–3 in-depth interviews, we use professional tests to assess the candidates’ motivation and their typical behavior.


The final choice is made by the company council or the owner. For this purpose, our recruitment partner has written a comprehensive expert assessment, which allows you to make a well-considered and correct decision.


If the selected candidate is not currently employed, the new employment relationship will begin quickly. However, it should be taken into account that the notice periods in the contracts of top executives are long (6 months to a year). So, it may happen that you have to wait a long time for the new manager to take office. For this reason, it is very important to start your search early.

In order to further support the onboarding of the executive, we also offer a coaching session, which helps the manager formulate goals in their new role and find ways to overcome possible obstacles.


We provide a one-year guarantee for the recruitment service of top executives.

Get a quote or call
+372 5698 8100

Get a quote or call
+372 5698 8100

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Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.


Jagame oma uudiskirjas personalitöö-, juhtimis- ja suhtlemisalaseid kogemusi ja mõtteid. Igas uudiskirjas anname infot ka tööpakkumiste ja koolituste kohta.

Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.